Author Archives: admin

About admin

Eli strives to be a connector – the interstitial tissue that holds the muscle of a community together. He’s been a volunteer manager, an event organizer and a digital campaigner. Basically he’ll take any gig that allows him to enable a group of passionate people to create things they love. Currently he’s the NetSquared Community Manager supporting a global volunteer network of 50 monthly meetups for the nonprofit technology sector. Together they hold over 450 events per year.

Join Groundswell BUILD & be market-ready this Summer!

Groundswell offers Social Venture BUILD, a 4-month intensive program that takes budding entrepreneurs with developed ideas and early stage ventures to the next BIG step with socially conscious curriculum, mentoring and hands on business development, plus access to the Groundswell Marketplace on GRANVILLE ISLAND, providing:

  • Access to market for exposure and product/service testing
  • Space / real estate
  • Investment / funding opportunities

Stop waiting.  Start creating.  APPLY NOW.

Groundswell is:

  • (Alternative) Education.   Get the tools you need to bring your venture, project, or creative pursuit to the next level.  Groundswell provides hands-on learning, training, validation tools, group facilitation, and one-on-one mentoring. Learn from inspired and inspiring social enterprise leaders, startup innovators, and radical thinkers and doers.
  • A Marketplace.   Groundswell cohort participants get early access to real estate / space at the Groundswell Social Venture Marketplace in Granville Island, which is happening this summer (June-September 2017).
  • A Community.   Get connected to a community of heart-led ‘unlikely’ entrepreneurs who are on a mission to create a meaningful livelihood for themselves, and contributes positively to society.  We believe that doing important work of building a new collaborative (instead of competitive) economy requires solidarity and a unified effort to make things happen.  We believe you can do your good work with a community of support!

Learn more by attending Groundswell Tuesdays!

Stop waiting.  Start creating.  APPLY NOW.

  • Deadline of applications and interviews: February 10, 2017.
  • Shortlisted applicants announced February 15, 2017.
  • BUILD starts February 20th 2017.

Nonprofit Communications & Marketers Community

Nonprofit Communicators: There’s a New Group for You!
Net2van co-organizer Ashleigh Turner has created a new online group for nonprofit marketers and communications pros.

NPMC-Vancouver is dedicated to creating a network of non-profit communications and marketing managers, but is open to anyone working in the non-profit world who wears the communications/marketing hat (as we all know, in non-profit organizations, we often wear different hats!).

We meet monthly for breakfast to connect, network, celebrate our successes, and share our challenges. If non-profit marketing and communications is your jam, come join us for breakfast!

Join the email list for announcements:!forum/npmc-vancouver

Event Report: Understanding the New Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

The way web addresses work is in the midst of a revolution. After 20 years of .com, .org, .ca and a few others, there are now more than a thousand new top-level-domains available for use. Today you can register a web address at .vip, .ketchup or .swiss.

You may have seen a few of these domains in the wild already, but you can expect to see plenty more in the next few years. What does this shift mean for orgs? How can your organization explore the opportunities that all these new top-level domains represent? Why is .xyz so popular?

The co-founder of .ECO answers these questions and tells the story of their community-powered new domain.

Access Makeathon poster

Access Makeathon: Creating Assistive Technology with People with Disabilities


The Access Makeathon is a 48 hour event that connects a person with a disability to a team of makers. Makers will build an open source assistive technology that directly addresses a need of the person they are paired with. It is an opportunity for makers to apply their knowledge and skills to address a real world need of a person. The goal is each team will help a person leave the event with a working prototype that improves their quality of life.

Where: The Hangar, Centre for Digital Media, 685 Great Northern Way – just west of VCC-Clark Millennium Line station
Starts: Friday, January 27, 6 pm
Ends: Sunday, January 29, 6 pm

Sign Up:

January 2017 Nonprofit Tech Events in Vancouver

Hey friends, there’s lots of great events for the nonprofit tech community. Check ’em out! Or for the latest updates join our group on Facebook and follow us on twitter at #Net2van.


Most NetSquared events are free, so don’t be shy – come join us!

Understanding the New Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

When: Tuesday, January 10

The way web addresses work is in the midst of a revolution. After 20 years of .com, .org, .ca and a few others, there are now more than a thousand new top-level-domains available for use. Today you can register a web address at .vip, .ketchup or .swiss. What does this shift mean for orgs? How can your organization explore the opportunities that all these new top-level domains represent?

Get Hands-On Help to Reclaim Your Domain

When: Monday, January 16; 3:00 – 5:00 PM

Join us for our free “Reclaim Your Domain” office hours and get personal 1:1 or small group support for any of your domain-related questions.

Get help with:

  • Selecting a domain name (if you don’t already have one)
  • Determining the best free option for creating email address on your own domain
  • Transitioning your website to your own name like MyCharityName.Ca

Nonprofit Technology Show and Tell

When: Thursday, March 16

This is a crowdsourced session, where participants are given up to five minutes to share a tool they use in their non-profit tech life. Learn from the best – each other.

Share anything that helps you do the amazing work you do. It can be a CRM, communication tool, fundraising platform, some social media magic-sauce, automation or other clever web genius that helps you further your mission or cause or execute your work. We only ask that you can show the solution and say what and why you use it.


Social Media Surgery: Hands on advice & help

When: Saturday, January 14

The basic idea of a Social Media Surgery is that it’s an informal event where anyone in the community with questions about how to use social media (“patients”) can come and sit down with someone who is more experienced in that area (“surgeons”, aka “doctors” as we would say) and get friendly, personal advice.

Creating Integrated Campaigns – Multi-Channel Marketing in a Multi-Faceted World

When: Tuesday, January 24

There are SO many channels to market your organization online and offline. Where do you start? What’s good strategy? How do you put a campaign together? Learn about a holistic, integrated approach to non-profit campaigns that tie it all together: Direct Mail, Direct Email, Online Advertising, SEO, and Out of Home Ads. Create a smooth donor experience and maximize your brand exposure!


Free Tech Work at RED Academy

RED Academy is looking for suitable organizations to get free digital work done by our students!

RED Academy is a leading-edge tech school for the designers, developers, disruptors and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Our students specialize in digital marketing, user experience design, front-end web, and application development. A huge contributor to our student’s success is that they have the opportunity to work with real clients through our Community Partnership Program. It’s through these projects that our students gain real world experience which allows them to leave our programs ready to enter the tech industry.

If you have a project that needs RED’s help apply here: or email [email protected]

Free Consulting with The Community Corps

The Community Corps connects nonprofits and schools to skilled tech volunteers from top companies who can assist with technology related projects. The program is completely free and since its start has matched thousands of nonprofits and schools with skilled tech volunteers that have improved the technology capacity of these organizations.

The type of tech help the volunteers can provide ranges from training on software like Excel and Salesforce to updating websites, or providing unbiased advice on a hardware or software purchase. Best of all tech help from The Community Corps is free. To get started create your account and post a request for tech help.


If you have a job to share reach out on Twitter using the hashtag #net2van or post to our free jobs board.


Here’s a selection of upcoming learning opportunities specifically for nonprofits. If you have a suggestion for our next monthly event email us at [email protected]

We also recommend you check out the workshops from our friends at Vantage Point and Ladies Learning Code, Camp Tech, Red Academy, Groundswell, and Spring.

Access Makeathon

When: January 27 – 29

The Access Makeathon is a 48 hour event that connects a person with a disability to a team of makers. Makers will build an open source assistive technology that directly addresses a need of the person they are paired with. It is an opportunity for makers to apply their knowledge and skills to address a real world need of a person. The goal is each team will help a person leave the event with a working prototype that improves their quality of life.

Squamish: Introduction to Project Management for Nonprofits

When: Friday, February 10

The objective of this workshop is to introduce Non-Profit leaders to the practice of project management. You will learn how project management can assist you in successfully planning and completing initiatives through the use of basic project management tools and processes.

Tableau Training: Telling stories with data

When: February 22 – 23

This two-day, hands-on workshop with award-winning data journalist Chad Skelton will teach you the fundamentals of Tableau, the world’s leading data visualization software, as well as the principles of data storytelling. You’ll learn the technical skills you need to use Tableau effectively to analyze and visualize your data. And you’ll also learn the art of telling stories with data — from how to choose the right chart type to designing engaging Dashboards — from someone with years of experience building popular interactive maps and charts.

Psychology for Digital Behavior Change – Vancouver (2-day Workshop)

When: November 14-15, 2017

Over two days, you will learn the most mission critical lessons in digital psychology, and gain mastery in recognizing and applying over 40 principles of persuasive design psychology. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to reverse-engineer the psychological patterns behind the world’s most successful websites, apps, ads and social media. You will also know how to translate psychological strategies into creative content, and understand how to optimize impacts over time.

Emotion & Motivation for Digital Behavior Change – Vancouver (2-day Workshop)

When: November 16-17, 2017

This 2-day workshop provides participants with a deep understanding of emotional design, by covering the essential lessons in the psychology and neuroscience of user emotion, motivation, cognition, and behavior. This workshop focuses on interactive design and content strategies aimed at evoking positive emotions, and design patterns that will help you avoid accidentally triggering negative user emotions. By the end of this workshop, you will know how to build emotionally rewarding websites, mobile apps and digital campaigns. You’ll also gain a deep understanding of emotional design strategies that will help you win your users’ trust, shape their habits, and form long-term relationships with your brand.


Got a nonprofit tech event that should be in the next newsletter? Let us know! Tweet at us using the hashtag #net2van.

Free Google Analytics Webinar for Nonprofits

Last month we had a hands-on with Google Analytics. We sold out quickly! But our friends at the Google for Nonprofits program are going to cover the topics again in a webinar this coming Tuesday at 9:30 AM.

If you are interested, please sign up online on the Neil Squire Society site.

December Nonprofit Tech Events in Vancouver

Hey friends, there’s lots of great events for the nonprofit tech community. Check ’em out! Or for the latest updates join our group on Facebook and follow us on twitter at #Net2van.


Most NetSquared events are free, so don’t be shy – come join us!

Better Data Visualization Using Excel: Hands-On Workshop

When: Tuesday, December 6

Better data visualization (using some of the more advanced features in Excel to create graphs and charts that are easy to interpret. We get hands-on, so bring your laptop. We’ll be working together with a shared phony data set.

Understanding the New Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

When: Tuesday, January 10

The way web addresses work is in the midst of a revolution. After 20 years of .com, .org, .ca and a few others, there are now more than a thousand new top-level-domains available for use. Today you can register a web address at .vip, .ketchup or .swiss. What does this shift mean for orgs? How can your organization explore the opportunities that all these new top-level domains represent?


NGO HO HO: A holiday party for Victoria’s non-profits

When: Friday, December 2

On December 2nd join us for the annual NGO HO HO – the holiday party for Victoria’s non-profit community. There will be live music by the Reuben Wier Quartet, drinks, late night bites, face painting, photo booth with Xavier Photography, and best of all – a room full of people who are involved with making Victoria such an awesome city.

Social Media Surgery: Hands on advice & help

When: Saturday, January 14

The basic idea of a Social Media Surgery is that it’s an informal event where anyone in the community with questions about how to use social media (“patients”) can come and sit down with someone who is more experienced in that area (“surgeons”, aka “doctors” as we would say) and get friendly, personal advice.

Creating Integrated Campaigns – Multi-Channel Marketing in a Multi-Faceted World

When: Tuesday, January 24

There are SO many channels to market your organization online and offline. Where do you start? What’s good strategy? How do you put a campaign together? Learn about a holistic, integrated approach to non-profit campaigns that tie it all together: Direct Mail, Direct Email, Online Advertising, SEO, and Out of Home Ads. Create a smooth donor experience and maximize your brand exposure!


Ladies Learning Code: Vancouver Chapter Lead (Full-Time)

As the Vancouver Manager, you will help shape and significantly grow the Ladies Learning Code and Girls Learning Code programs in Vancouver. You will be expected to work hard to reach the goals and objectives set out below. This will require you to be self-directed, creative, innovative and flexible. Because this is a new role, you will help determine what strategies and efforts are required to get the job done.

If you have a job to share reach out on Twitter using the hashtag #net2van.


Got a nonprofit tech event that should be in the next newsletter? Let us know! Tweet at us using the hashtag #net2van.

Google Analytics for Nonprofits: Slides and Worksheet



Hands-on with Google Analytics Worksheet by Elijah van der Giessen on Scribd

We all have an idea of what Google Analytics can do, but do you know how to use it to help your organization? Do you know who your visitors are and what actions they’re completing on your website? Do you know how to best use all the data provided by Google Analytics?

We were very happy to welcome Nina Cruz and Elena Czubiak from the Google for Nonprofits team for an afternoon workshop with NetSquared Vancouver. They walked us through the latest version and features of Google Analytics, and then helped us roll up our sleeves to ensure you’re tracking clear goals for your organization. Learn what is working in your marketing efforts and on your site so you can make better decisions to further your mission.

Hands on with Google Analytics Pre-work

Thanks for signing up for the November 15 workshop! Here are 3 things to do to make sure that you’re set up with interesting data in your account before the session. If you’re having trouble with any of these steps, we’ll help you through them during the workshop.

1. Sign into Google Analytics

If you already have Google Analytics set up, make sure you can sign into your account:

  1. Navigate to
  2. In the upper right hand corner, click Sign in.
  3. If you have multiple sites or properties, you may have to select the right one.

If you’ve never used Google Analytics, setting up your account is pretty fast. But you will have to add tracking code to your website. Follow these instructions to get started with Analytics.

2. Make sure your tracking code is up to date

To get the latest Analytics features, your tracking code should be updated for the new “Universal Analytics.”

First, get your tracking code:

  1. In Google Analytics, go to the ADMIN
  2. Under “Property,” click Tracking Info > Tracking code.

Second, find the tracking code on your website:

  1. Load your website (i.e. in a web browser.
  2. View the source code for your site. On a PC, use CTRL + U. On a Mac, right click and View page source.
  3. Use Find (CTRL + F) to search the code for UA-. That should locate your tracking code.

Compare the code:

The tracking code on your website should match the code in Google Analytics, most importantly:

  • The number after UA- (ex: UA-86436807-1) should match your “Tracking ID” in Analytics.
  • The tracking code should start with (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]
    • If it does start with this, then you’re on Universal Analytics already and you’re set.

If the code on your website doesn’t match what’s in Google Analytics, the person who updates your website will need to update the code. Here are directions for adding the Analytics tracking code.

3. Add at least one Goal

You can add Goals in Analytics to conveniently track whether people are getting to the most important parts of your site or taking high value actions like donating. We’ll create a simple goals using the URLs of particular pages we want people to get to.

Example: If people who donate land on a thank you page afterwards, we can add the URL of the “Thank you for donating” page as a Goal so we can track people who donated.


  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. Select the ADMIN
  3. In the “VIEW” column, click Goals.
  4. Click + NEW GOAL.
  5. For “Goal Setup,” choose Custom and then Continue.
  6. Give your goal a name, like Donated or Visited Donation page
    (i.e. if you don’t have a thank you page to be sure that someone actually donated).
  7. Leave the “Goal slot ID” as is.
  8. For “Type,” choose Destination, then Continue.
  9. Put in the URL for the page you want to track.
    For example, if the url is, just put /donations/thankyou in the box.
  10. Click Save at the bottom.

You’ll start to see data coming in for your goals if you go to the REPORTING tab, scroll down to Conversions on the left, and choose Goals > Overview.

Repeat these steps for any other pages you want to add in Goals.

Thank you!! And don’t forget to bring a laptop to the workshop

Download the Preparation Instructions
