Category Archives: CMXvan

#CMXvan — Community Manager's Toolkit Demos

January’s CMXvan meetup was a fast-paced evening of demos and Ignite-style mini-presentations on the tools, services, and techniques Community Managers use to create more impact.What are the indispensable pieces of software in a Community Manager’s toolkit? What are our secret weapons to allow us to work productively?

Community Manager’s Toolkit Demos

NOTE: this is gonna be Mac-centric, but there’s equivalents for all of this on the PC. 


Sophie Bujold uses Miro to create instantly shareable videos for tutorials, stewardship, and relationship building.


Sophie Bujold’s key key of software for working remotely with her clients is Miro. Scalable, secure, cross-device and enterprise-ready team collaboration whiteboard for distributed teams. 

Google Forms and Form Ranger

Dylan Morgan demonstrated Google Forms and Form Ranger.

Form Ranger allows you to auto-populate the choices in list, multiple choice, checkbox or grid question options from columns of data in any Google Sheet or Doctopus roster.

Then Eli did a string of demos…


Putting An End To Repetitive Typing


Creating screencasts for member support and training


Copy and Paste board…. keep your last 100 items in your cut and paste board.

The Noun Project

Icons for every topic.

  • Site
  • Free, but with attribution and only in B&W
  • Or the paid version at $40/year


You have one thousand passwords. You need help!


The Un-CRM that makes sure you never forget anything.

  • Many of the features are getting added to gmail, like “nudge” and “send later”. But the “nudge” can’t be set or controlled. It’s all magic algorithm.
  • But you can set it to resurface emails that have not received replies.
  • Free for 10 scheduled emails, then $60/year


Easily turn plain text into HTML (or whatever other formats you need)

Apple Text Services

Text cleanup and transformations built into the OS.

  • Highlight text and then get: Statistics , Title Case , ALL CAPS, and more.
  • Set your own keyboard shortcuts: System Preference -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts
  • Additional options: WordService set