When: Monday, July 21. 6:00 PM
Where: Hootsuite Headquarters
Does your nonprofit need help getting its social media strategy to a healthy place? Join NetSquared and Hootsuite for personalized and hands-on assistance with your organization’s social media strategy. It’s one-on-one office hours for all your social media questions!
Hootsuite’s expert social media and marketing coaches will be there to guide you!
Chandra Brun – @cb_devonshire 
Customer Success Manager
Expertise includes
- Over all Hootsuite functionality/training
- Analytics
- Campaign Management
Name: Carla Cristoffanini – @HootCarla 
Social Media Coach
Expertise includes
- Analytics expert: Setting up URL parameters for shortened links, analyzing engagment and analytics best practices
- Hootsuite apps – using youtube, instagram, iconosquare, tumblr to expand reach
- Monitoring and search expert
Name: Karolina Nowak – @HootKaro 
Social Media Coach
Expertise includes
- Twitter and Facebook best practices
- Social Media Strategy Planning
- Importance of Content Strategy
Ada Juristovski – @adajuri 
Social Media Coach Team Lead
Expertise includes
- Proactive Listening on social media
- Curating interesting content
- Collaborating with your team on social!
Name: Rob Feduk – @rfeduk 
Sr Solution Delivery Manager
Expertise includes
- Social Strategy (particularly for larger orgs but i’ve worked SME a lot, too)
- Analytics
- Content management & security
Kemp Edmonds – @kempedmonds 
Solutions Consultant
Expertise includes
- Engaging Content and Creating Value for your Target Audience
- Advocacy Programs
- Conversion Tracking and Measurement