
The Happy Healthy Nonprofit with Beth Kanter

NetSquared Vancouver
The Happy Healthy Nonprofit with Beth Kanter

This recording from The Digital Nonprofit conference is about how and why it is important to treat self-care and a culture of well-being as an organizational strategy and cultural norm. When self-care initiatives are treated as “extras” instead of being built right into the fabric of an organization’s culture or leadership does not model the behavior, they often fall flat.

Beth shares the latest thinking on self-care and well-being in the nonprofit workplace based on the presenter’s book “The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout.” Going beyond a narrow focus on physical health and wellness, she will share examples and insights from nonprofits that have created and implemented a culture of well-being in the workplaces that supports results.

And be sure to join us on October 6, 2020 for the next edition of The Digital Nonprofit.

3 Keys to Rocking Your Next Integrated Campaign with Kimberly Shearon

NetSquared Vancouver
3 Keys to Rocking Your Next Integrated Campaign with Kimberly Shearon

It seems that integrated campaigns are all the buzz these days. But what does “integration” even mean, how do you do it, and why bother with it? Ecojustice’s Kimberly Shearon shares three big lessons her team learned (the hard way) from its foray into the world of integrated campaigns. Also, pop culture references.

This podcast was recorded during The Digital Nonprofit 2019. Be sure to join us on October 6, 2020 for the next edition of The Digital Nonprofit.

Social Media from the Top with Chris Brandt

NetSquared Vancouver
Social Media from the Top with Chris Brandt

In this recording from The Digital Nonprofit conference Chris Brandt, former ED of Music Heals, shares best practices for stewarding relationships and raising money with social media.

Social Media isn’t just your first point of contact with current and prospective donors, volunteers, and the media – it’s often the only one. The risk of not talking is that no one knows that you exist. How would you evaluate your organizations presence on social media? Are you involved in the conversation, either through the org’s channels or your own? You can’t be seen until you learn how to see.

And be sure to join us on October 6, 2020 for the next edition of The Digital Nonprofit.

The Leadership that Digital Demands with Shoni Field and Ryann Miller

NetSquared Vancouver
The Leadership that Digital Demands with Shoni Field and Ryann Miller

This podcast was recorded during The Digital Nonprofit 2019.

Digital touches every aspect of an organization, so it needs strategic, next-level leadership if its truly going to thrive. Because it’s not just the work itself; it’s also about the best ways to get the work done. You’ll learn how to structure digital teams, and what to ask for and expect from them. You’ll also understand the importance of silo busting, iterative processes, collaboration frameworks and how the customer experience (CX) demands of digital can change organizational culture. From strategic culture through leadership, and talent Shoni and Ryann will walk you through the requirements of a thriving digital environment.

And be sure to join us on October 6, 2020 for the next edition of The Digital Nonprofit.

How Design Thinking Can Lead to the More Effective Use of Technology for Social Impact with Michael Johnston

NetSquared Vancouver
How Design Thinking Can Lead to the More Effective Use of Technology for Social Impact with Michael Johnston

In this recording from The Digital Nonprofit conference Michael Johnston of HJC explains how human centric technology use needs a structured approach that design thinking can help solve. Mike’s fast, fun session brings together how the Amish, Stanford Design School, and hjc use design thinking to help make the world a better place.

And be sure to join us on October 6, 2020 for the next edition of The Digital Nonprofit.