WordPress for Nonprofits – a Partner event with 501 Commons Talks Tech

WordPress is a popular and powerful content management system that can do much more than just create blog posts – with more than 50,000 plugins, the choices can be overwhelming. Its popularity also means WordPress sites are more prone to cybersecurity attacks: in 2018, WordPress accounted for 90% of all hacked CMS sites.

Register today at Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wordpress-for-nonprofits-registration-77414963239

Plugins work like smartphone apps that expand your website’s capabilities, including making it more interactive, connecting to Google Analytics, encourage users to subscribe to your newsletter, or make it more secure.

Learn how to supercharge your nonprofit’s WordPress website in our 2 hour workshop, where we’ll cover:

* How to choose the right plugins (including recommendations for some of our trusted favorites)

* Securing your site against malicious attacks

* Backups and recovery

We’ll be tackling these topics using live demos attendees are welcome to bring their laptops and follow along as we go.

Note: Nonprofits that are already using WordPress will benefit the most from this session since we will not be covering the basics of installing & configuring a brand new WordPress site. No coding experience needed.

Register today at Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wordpress-for-nonprofits-registration-77414963239

About the Presenters:
Ten-Forward is a 501(c)3 that works with other nonprofits to discover how software can better support their organization’s mission. Since our founding in early 2018, we’ve had the opportunity to create and maintain various WordPress sites and are eager to share some helpful tips and tricks that we’ve learned along the way.

Do you have any questions about 501 Talks Tech(https://www.501commons.org/services/our-events-and-trainings/techtalk)? Contact 501 Commons ([email protected]).

Additional Information
Driving Directions and Parking information (http://pactower.org/directions/) can be found on the Pacific Tower website (http://pactower.org/about-pacific-tower/).

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About admin

Eli strives to be a connector – the interstitial tissue that holds the muscle of a community together. He’s been a volunteer manager, an event organizer and a digital campaigner. Basically he’ll take any gig that allows him to enable a group of passionate people to create things they love. Currently he’s the NetSquared Community Manager supporting a global volunteer network of 50 monthly meetups for the nonprofit technology sector. Together they hold over 450 events per year.