Event Report: Agile Project Management for Nonprofits

Everyone is talking about Agile… But what does it actually mean? And how can you benefit from using agile frameworks like scrum or kanban?

Helga Breuer is a passionate Agile Coach with 15 years of international experience in the software development area over a wide range of industries.

In this recording of NetSquared Vancouver’s September 12 workshop you will learn about the roots and benefits of Agile. Get inspired to apply that mindset to your daily work, using frameworks like scrum or kanban. Helga will present a valuable hands-on overview with tangible exercises and examples, that will show you, how to get started. Learn how to increase your throughput while focusing on your most important values and goals.



Agile Project Management for Nonprofits – Net2van September 2017 with Helga Breuer from NetSquared Vancouver
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About admin

Eli strives to be a connector – the interstitial tissue that holds the muscle of a community together. He’s been a volunteer manager, an event organizer and a digital campaigner. Basically he’ll take any gig that allows him to enable a group of passionate people to create things they love. Currently he’s the NetSquared Community Manager supporting a global volunteer network of 50 monthly meetups for the nonprofit technology sector. Together they hold over 450 events per year.