Tag Archives: hack hardy

[February 5, 2013] Visualizing data using maps and other tools

RSVP on Meetup.com

About the event:

Mack will be talking about maps and putting large amounts of data onto web-based maps, how to get more information onto maps, and some other ways we can dynamically visualize data using opensource javascript libraries like http://d3js.org/ and http://raphaeljs.com/ Mack will demonstrate how you can to build a simple map from open data sources using Google Fusion Tables. Mack will also show some examples of using maps to tell stories and communicate information.

Whether using data created by your own organization, or external sources, its very important to create a context for the message you are communicating.

The twitter hashtag for Net Tuesday is #ntvan and our account is @NetTuesday

RSVP on Meetup.com

When: Tuesday, February 5, 2012, 5:30 PM To 7:30 PM

Where: HiVE Vancouver, 210 – 128 W Hastings St, Vancouver, BC.

RSVP on Meetup.com


  • 5:30 – 6:00 pm: schmoozing and snacks
  • 6:00 – 7:00 pm: Mack presents
  • 7:00 – 7:30 pm: Q&A

Hack Hardy

Mack Hardy
Mack Hardy is the director of Affinity Bridge a technology company in Vancouver focused on enabling non-profits and social mission organizations to use technology to amplify their message and meet their goals.

Follow Mack and Affinity Bridge on twitter

  • @mackaffinity
  • @affinitybridge

Our sponsor

Net Tuesday is thrilled to have the HiVE Vancouver as our venue sponsor.

HiVe Vancouver is a shared workspace with a dynamic cafe-like studio culture. They are home to artists, designers, small social enterprises, mid-size NGOs, green businesses, IT experts, self employed, start ups, independent contractors… and you?