City University’s Sanford Institute of Philanthropy and Seattle Tech4Good are excited to put on this learning opportunity for nonprofits and those who work with nonprofits.
FREE! Registration is required and light lunch is provided.
The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is not only overwhelming, it can also be difficult to pick and choose what is right for your organization.
In this interactive seminar we will examine and discuss common challenges nonprofits face for communicating with teams (commonly distributed), and showcase tools that will help with communication, productivity, your website, social media, and visual content.
Joel Meyers, Founder and Director of Client Solutions for Fuse IQ, a Seattle-based Digital Solutions company focused on helping nonprofits of all sizes. Joel is also co-founder of an international nonprofit, Basa Village Foundation, that helps rural villages in Nepal with projects centered around health, education and well-being. At his company, Fuse IQ ( his current focus is helping define solutions for nonprofits using the web as the core of each strategy.