Imagine Pecha Kucha meets the Association of Fundraising Professionals meets Ted Talks meets SXSW meets Speed Dating (well, ok, maybe something a little less extreme)
Quick, helpful ideas that are current and fresh. This is designed for experts and newbies alike. A chance to showcase the latest and greatest tools that are working.
We have pre-organized some people to share BUT this evening is going open source.
We want to hear from YOU. What is the latest tool you’re using? What’s working? What’s not?
Has anything come out of SXSW that you’re now using for your charity?
Some people lined up so far:
- Jeff Golby — Something interesting
- Farrah Rooney — My experience with Convio
- Veronica Collins — Communicating your Brand Online
- Brady Josephson — Online Contests for Charities
- Helen Stortini — Using for Getting Volunteers
- YOU!
True to the nature of short snippets, if it’s not helpful for you, it’s only 5 minutes. We’re sure someone will share something relevant to you and your organization.
Be prepared to share. If you share you’ll get a fun prize!
Each presenter is given 5 minutes to share about their latest/greatest tool/idea.
This will also be a great night of networking, connecting and inspiration.
Darian & the Net Tuesday Team
PS. If you’re looking for additional workshops online Peer Giving is offering a free online course details here AND Wednesday they’re doing a special online training sessions on Charities and Trade Shows details here
W2 Media Cafe
111 W Hastings, Vancouver, BC
Tuesday, April 3 2012
Doors at 5:30 PM
Starts at 6:00 PM
Wraps at 7:30 PM