Preparing For Your Presentation
Audio-visual and technical guide for presenters at The Digital Nonprofit 2019.
Uploading Your Presentation
Presentation Submissions are due 5pm Friday June 7th, 2019
Upload your presentation and embedded videos this link for the form below; you will not be able to connect your laptop or transfer files on the day.
Upload Files through dbinbox.comMicrophones

You will be provided with a wireless headset microphone.
The wireless headset comes with a battery transmitter that clips on a belt or in the pocket of a jacket.
Ladies – Trousers, a skirt or a dress with a sturdy belt will work well to hold the transmitter. A loose ‘flowy’ dress is likely to cause a wardrobe malfunction on stage!!!
Controlling your presentation

You control your slides with a remote control from stage.
Green = Forward
Red = Backwards
Presentation Software
Presentations will be run from a Mac computer at the AV desk.
Keynote, PowerPoint and PDF files are supported.
Due to the lack of reliable internet for the event, we will not be able to support Google Slides, Prezie or other presentation software. If this is you, please export your presentation as PowerPoint or PDF.
There is no connection for a personal laptop on stage. All presentations need to run from the AV desk.
Slide Size (Aspect Ratio)
Your presentation will look best on our projectors if built with a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio.
Set slide size in Keynote: Document > Slide Size > Widescreen 16:9
Set slide size in Powerpoint: Design > Slide Size > Widescreen 16:9

Videos with sound can be used as part of your presentation. Be sure to upload the source video file with your keynote or powerpoint file. Even if the video is embedded, the source video file is still required.
There is no provision to live stream a video from the internet (ie youtube). Use a download service to download the video as a high quality MP4 file in the week leading up to the conference. works well for downloading from youtube.
Most video formats can be played, though if a video editor is creating content specifically for your presentation, ask them to export it in the following format.
.MP4, H.264, 720p, 30fps, 8-12Mbps, Mono Audio
Feel free to contact Sam Lintern in the weeks leading up to the conference for assistance with video formats.
Presentation Notes
There is no ability to show presenter notes view on the AV system. But you will be able to see your slides as you present on a TV at the foot of the stage.
Print your notes and slides prior to the conference if required; no printer on site.
Internet Access
There is free public wifi available for attendees at The Roundhouse. This wifi is not suitable to run live demos, stream videos or run services like Google Slides.
Do not rely on internet access at the venue as part of your presentation.
Questions & Contacts
Event Manager
Elijah van der Giessen
[email protected]
San Lintern
[email protected]